A mini rooster, belonging to my friend Karen of Minipets, and a very difficult fellow to get a good shot of. Originally I wanted him standing on the lid (on top of the dustbin) but I quickly realised that he was not going to open his claws. Once he felt the artificial lawn under him, he opened up and I got a series of shots of him in this position. Thanks to Gerrie for his endless patience with this difficult model!

Inspired by an image I saw on the www, I wanted to do this theme myself. The owner of these critters, Tamara, was adamant that it would not work and that the GP would not stand up against the camera. On the other hand, I was even more determined that he would and when she finally relented and put him in position, he assumed a pose and kept it for a very long time, even while we were able to change settings and replacing models

Bunnies belonging to Tamara ... and we had fun with this theme! The bunnies obbliged and worked extremely well with us
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